My Favorite Books of 2022

Well, friends, here we are at the end of December, and that means it’s time for everyone, everywhere to share their “Best Of” lists for 2022!

I loved so many of the books I read this past year, but some really and truly stood out. Some are 2022 new releases, some are books from earlier years that just came my way in 2022, and some are books that I’ve had on my shelves but only now got around to reading.

Here is a totally subjective list of the books I loved best. (For purposes of this post, I’m excluding rereads, even though there were a few of these that were 5-star reads)

First, I’ll highlight my top 5: The five books that were special reading experiences in a variety of ways — books that introduced me to new worlds or experiences, were beautifully written, and/or delivered an emotional punch that has stayed with me ever since.

  • Fairy Tale by Stephen King: Masterful storytelling (and a very good dog) made this a delightful read.
  • True Biz by Sara Novic: This book introduced me to a world I knew little about — informative, but also just a really great story.
  • Leviathan Falls by James S. A. Corey: What can I say about a series finale that absolutely pays off with a satisfying conclusion? It brought me to tears, astonished me, and yet ended in a way that truly fit the characters and overall themes. What a series!
  • Lute by Jennifer Thorne: Haunting and beautifully written.
  • Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin: I never would have expected to enjoy (much less love) a novel about video game designers. Absolutely one of the best new releases of 2022.

But these are by no means the only great books I read this past year! According to Goodreads, I gave 5-star ratings to 45 books in 2022. Here’s the rest of my favorites — not all 45 by any means, but the books I consider the best of the best:

Beyond these, there were a whole bunch of other books that I really loved too, so all in all, I’d say this was a great year for reading!

What were your favorite books of 2022? Do we have any in common?

Wishing all of us a happy and healthy 2023, filled with amazing books!

16 thoughts on “My Favorite Books of 2022

  1. I’m so glad to see Such Sharp Teeth and Lute on your list. And I’m going to buy Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow, it’s popping up on so many best of lists😁

  2. Elder Race will certainly be on my list too. And I’d like to try McCurdy’s autobio in the new year. Maybe by then a copy will be available at my library because everyone in the area will have read it already.

    • Good luck! I was surprised that my library request for the McCurdy book came in as quickly as it did. Definitely worth going with audiobook for it, if you like audiobooks, since she narrates her own story and it’s really powerful listening to it in her own voice.

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