Shelf Control #315: Happy Doomsday by David Sosnowski

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Title: Happy Doomsday
Author: David Sosnowski
Published: 2018
Length: 445 pages

What it’s about (synopsis via Goodreads):

The end of the world is the weirdest time to come of age.

Welcome to the end of the world. One minute, people are going about their lives, and the next—not. In the wake of the inexplicable purge, only a handful of young misfits remains.

When it all went down, “Wizard of Odd” Dev Brinkman was seeking shelter from the taunts of his classmates. Goth girl Lucy Abernathy had lost her best friend and had no clue where to turn. And Twinkie-loving quarterback “Marcus” Haddad was learning why you never discuss politics and religion in polite company—or online.

As if life when you’re sixteen isn’t confusing enough, throw in the challenges of postapocalyptic subsistence, a case of survivor’s guilt turned up to seven billion, and the small task of rebuilding humankind…

No one said doomsday would be a breeze. But for Dev, Lucy, and Marcus, the greatest hope—and greatest threat—will come when they find each other.

How and when I got it:

I picked up the Kindle edition a couple of years ago.

Why I want to read it:

This book came to my attention thanks to social media praise and a blurb by one of my favorite authors, Maria Doria Russell. Not only that, but David Sosnowski wrote one of the most inventive yet under-the-radar vampire novels I’ve read in the last 20 years (Vamped, published 2004). So how could I resist?

Now, you may be tempted to shrug and say, “seen one apocalypse novel, seen ’em all”. Fair. I do feel like I’ve read my share (and then some) of end-of-the-world books, filled with plucky survivors, weird post-apocalyptic new realities, and the fate of humanity at stake.

Still, the synopsis sounds pretty charming and funny, and — this can’t be emphasized enough — Mary Doria Russell loved it! So it must be pretty darn awesome.

What do you think? Would you read this book?

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9 thoughts on “Shelf Control #315: Happy Doomsday by David Sosnowski

    • Besides his vampire book, I’ve also read one called Rapture (about angels), which I liked but didn’t love. I liked his writing style and sense of humor, as far as I remember, so I’ll aim to read this one when I need a break from more serious stuff.

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