Top Ten Tuesday: Give me more! Authors whose entire works I NEEDED after reading just one of their books…

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, featuring a different top 10 theme each week. This week’s topic is Books I Loved that Made Me Want More Books Like Them — which can be interpreted a bunch of different ways.

For my purposes, I thought I’d focus on authors whose works I feel in love with after just one book. For all of the authors below, once I read my first book by them, I immediately needed to read ALL (or, okay, A LOT) of their books!

My top ten are:

  1. Diana Gabaldon: Once I read Outlander, I was a goner!
  2. Jojo Moyes: I think my first book of her was The Ship of Brides, but I’ve made it my business to read as many of her books as I could get my hands on. I think there are a still a few earlier books that I haven’t gotten to yet, but I’ve now read 10 of her books!
  3. C. Robert Cargill: This is a recent addition for me, but now that I’ve read Day Zero, I need to read everything else he’s written. (Fun fact: He’s also a screenwriter — for movies including Marvel’s Doctor Strange, which I just watched last night and hadn’t realized he’d written!)
  4. John Scalzi: My first book by this author was Redshirts, and it was a case of insta-love for me. I’ve now read everything of his except a book of essays, I believe.
  5. TJ Klune: I adored The House on the Cerulean Sea, and absolutely want to read more.
  6. Octavia Butler: Kindred felt like a life-changing read for me, and I immediately picked up copies of Parable of the Sower, Parable of the Talents, and Fledgling as soon as I finished. I still have a big chunk of her oeuvre yet to read.
  7. Georgette Heyer: My book group picked a GH book for a discussion a few years ago, and it made me want to read more and more and more of her works! I’ve made a point since then of looking for her books whenever I’m in a used book store, and have quite a collection so far.
  8. Jenny Colgan: My first Jenny Colgan books was The Bookshop on the Corner, and I was totally smitten with her rosy-eyed view of quirky village life. I’ve read a whole slew of her books since then, and still have more to go!
  9. Mary Robinette Kowal: The Calculating Stars blew me away, and I’ve since read the next two books in that series, plus her Glamourist Histories books (loved them!) and a collection of short stories. More, please!
  10. Seanan McGuire: I don’t even remember which book of hers came first for me, but once I started, I was totally hooked. And considering she publishes about four books per year, that’s a lot to keep up with!

Have you ever read a single book by a new-to-you author, then turned around and read ALL the books? Bookworm problems, amirite?

If you did a TTT post this week, please share your link!

28 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Give me more! Authors whose entire works I NEEDED after reading just one of their books…

  1. Haha, love the pics! Especially the cat one. 😂 But seriously, hands-down agreed on the Heyer, Seanan McGuire and Gabaldon. Just can’t get enough of their books. I haven’t read Kowal, so that’s something I need to fix.

  2. Excellent list! I still have to finish the Outlander books. I also need to finish the Me before You series! I’ll be sure to check out all the others. 😉

  3. Great twist on the topic! I actually loved The Ship of Brides and wish she’d write a sequel–who were these people AFTER the war? There aren’t enough books on how life went after the war was over. I’ve been reading JoJo’s backlist, but I’m skipping The Giver of Stars (and the movie). I’ve loved them all. Good post!

    • Thanks! Good point about Ship of Brides – a follow-up would be so interesting! I have a few of her backlist books still to read (The Peacock Emporium, Sheltering Rain, I think one or two others), but I wonder if they’re as good as her later books. One way to find out, I guess!

  4. I read the first of the Outlander books and I do want to read the rest of the series. I’ve watched the tv show and am up to date with that so far.
    I might check out The Calculating Stars having enjoyed the first Glamourist Histories book so much, it looks like something I might enjoy.

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