Shelf Control #178: Silk and Song by Dana Stabenow

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cropped-flourish-31609_1280-e1421474289435.pngLast week, I featured a book by Dana Stabenow, author of one of my very favorite ongoing series (Kate Shugak)… and this week, I realized I have another beautiful hardcover edition of one of her books, also unread. What am I waiting for?

Title: Silk and Song
Author: Dana Stabenow
Published: 2016
Length: 681 pages

What it’s about (synopsis via Goodreads):

Beijing, 1322.

Sixteen-year-old Wu Johanna is the granddaughter of the legendary trader Marco Polo. In the wake of her father’s death, however, Johanna finds that lineage counts for little amid the disintegrating court of the Khan. Dynastic loyalties are shifting, petty jealousies lead to cold-blooded murders, and the long knives are coming out. Johanna’s destiny – if she has one – lies with her grandfather, in Venice, at the very edge of the known world.

So, with a small band of companions, she takes to the Road – the Silk Road – that storied collection of routes that link the silks of Cathay, the spices of the Indies and the jewels of the Indus to the markets of the west. But first she must cross the roof the world, survive treachery, betrayal, and a Road beset by thieves, fanatics and warlords emboldened by the deterioration of the once all-powerful Mongol Empire.

How and when I got it:

I bought this book as a treat to myself back in 2016.

Why I want to read it:

As I’ve mentioned countless times, I adore the Kate Shugak series, and because of those books and characters, I have absolute faith that I’ll enjoy whatever Dana Stabenow writes!

So about Silk and Song… this is actually a three-in-one edition of a previously released trilogy, originally published 2014 – 2015 as three separate books:

Pretty, right? I’ve never read anything with this setting or this time period, and it all sounds quite fascinating to me. I’m sure the historical elements will be really eye-opening, and I just know that this authors knows how to tell a great story.

So yes, I am excited to finally read these books (in my one giant edition).

What do you think? Would you read this book?

Please share your thoughts!


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12 thoughts on “Shelf Control #178: Silk and Song by Dana Stabenow

    • Me too! I really don’t know much about the era or the setting, so I think it’ll be one of those historical novels that teaches me something along the way.

    • Ha ha, yeah, if I’d come across it for the first time in this format, I think I would have walked away. 🙂 But if I consider it three books, it seems a lot more doable.

  1. It sounds good, Lisa. I don’t know a lot about the Silk Road or this time period and the story sounds interesting to me. It’s a big book – but as you say, it’s really a 3-in-1!

  2. I am completely swooning and intrigued by Silk and Song? It (and the series) sounds so good. That cover is beautiful. I love bind-ups of series, too, so I’m definitely making awkward grabby hands at my computer screen. I’ve yet to read anything by Dana Stabenow but honestly I’m really, really curious now??

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