Top Ten Tuesday: Top ten book-to-movie adaptations that I can’t wait to see

TTT autumn 2_bsf

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, featuring a different top 10 theme each week. This week’s topic is the top ten movie (or TV) adaptations of books which we really want to see. My list is a bit of a mix: Some here are movie/TV adaptations that I’ve finally seen, some are movies that are already out that I just haven’t gotten to, and a few are movies/TV adaptations that are coming up in the next year that I’m really looking forward to.

Recently seen:

1) The Martian by Andy Weir: Finally saw it this past weekend! I loved the book, and I was really wondering whether the movie would do it justice… but I thought it was terrific! Hint: See it while it’s still in theaters — this is a movie that needs the big screen/3D experience!

2) North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell: Even though the BBC mini-series is from 2004, I’d never seen it before this week. I loved the book, and thought the TV version was beautifully done. And also: Richard Armitage. Need I say more?


Need to see:

3) Room by Emma Donoghue: The book was powerful and painful, and so even though the movie version looks like it’s really well done, I’m a little hesitant about sitting through it.

4) Still Alice by Lisa Genova: Another tough subject, which is probably why I’ve held off on seeing the movie, even though I’ve heard such good things about it.


Still to come:

5) Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them by J. K. Rowling: It’ll be interesting to see how a Hogwarts textbook gets turned into a full-length movie! The early photos certainly make it seem intriguing.


6) Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Seth Grahame-Smith: Jane Austen and zombies, oh my! I think the trailer looks awesome.

7) 11/22/63 by Stephen King: I loved, loved, loved this book. The TV series airs in February 2016 on Hulu, starring James Franco, and I just hope it sticks to the book!


8) Me Before You by Jojo Moyes: The movie version is due out in March 2016, starring Emilia Clarke and Sam Claflin.

me before you movie

9) Into the Forest by Jean Hegland: I had no idea there was going to be a movie version until I started researching this post! I loved the book, so this is super exciting. The movie premiered at the Toronto Film Festival in September, but so far, I haven’t found a US release date. Let’s go with 2016, shall we?


And finally…

Why haven’t I ever seen this at any point in my life?

10) To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee: I don’t know what was wrong with my upbringing, but clearly something was deficient, because I never, ever saw the movie version of To Kill a Mockingbird, and that’s just not okay. Adult me needs to fix this.


What movie adaptations are you most excited about? Let me know in the comments, and don’t forget to share your link!

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47 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Top ten book-to-movie adaptations that I can’t wait to see

  1. Yay!!! Your post made me smile because there are familiar novel-based movies that I am looking forward too, especially Me before You! ❤

    I haven't watched Still Alice too but the book, for me, is great! 😀 And thank you for sharing that 11/22/63 will be turned into a series. I didn't know that! 😀

    BTW, here's my TTT: 🙂

    • Ha, being in public for tearjerkers is definitely awkward. 🙂 (I’ve done that with audiobooks, and it wasn’t pretty!). Me Before You looks awesome. The book of Room is so good, but it’s really hard to take. Thanks!

  2. I really want to see Room and Still Alice too, they’re both on my list as well! And I want to see The Martian, because I loved the book. Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find them, and Me Before You are going to have me running to the nearest cinema. Seriously so excited to see them.

    great list!

  3. Great choices, Lisa! I would also love to watch Room and Still Alice, but they are so heavy. I’m excited about the movies in your Still to Come list 🙂 and I basically watch anything that is a period drama made by BBC, they also make such great adaptations. 🙂

    My Top Ten

    • P&P&Z should be a hoot… I hope. The trailer makes it look kind of adorable, in a disgusting zombie-fighting sort of way. I hope they keep up the sarcastic tone rather than just ending up with a horror movie.

  4. I have never heard of Room before this week and it has been on may of peoples lists I need to check it out now. I also really want to do Still Alice, the trailer looks amazing but IN need to do the book still.

    • The book for Room is so unusual and upsetting — it’s worth reading. I hope to see the movie, although I’m not sure I’m up for such an emotional experience out in public. 🙂

  5. I keep hearing about Fantastic Beasts and cannot wait until we all see how it is. It has the potential to be utterly amazing!
    I took a different spin on my list this week with books I wish were movies.
    Thanks for sharing!

    • I don’t know how I missed Mockingbird in the first place. It’s one of my sister’s favorite movies — maybe I was just being rebellious and refused to watch with her. 🙂

  6. I haven’t seen To Kill a Mockingbird either if that makes you feel any better. lol Also, I still have North and South, Room, Still Alice, Into the Forest, and 11/22/63 on my TBR. hahaha So much to read, so little time.

  7. I love your picks! I am SO excited for Room, it looks like it’s going to be just brilliant. And EEEE! I’m always happy when someone finds out about the PERFECTION that is the North and South adaptation. *sighs dreamily* It’s everything I ever wanted out of a period film, a great romance AND a really awesome, heart-breaking story that gives you a visceral feel of the world at the time? Just wonderful.

    • I so agree about North and South! My book group just finished the book and we all watched the mini-series over the weekend, and have been comparing notes ever since. Such a great, beautiful production!

    • I really do need to see it, I know! I’m so glad my book group picked North and South for our most recent classic read — I’ve been wanting to read it for years.

  8. I was really excited when I learnt Room was being made in to a movie… But the more time I’ve had to mull it over the more I’m wondering whether to actually watch it or not when it eventually comes out. I just loved the book so much, I don’t want a film to tamper that, especially if certain elements are changed even slightly. It would be interesting to see how it is adapted though.

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