Wishlist Wednesday

Welcome to Wishlist Wednesday!

The concept is to post about one book from our wish lists that we can’t wait to read. Want to play? Here’s how:

  • Follow Pen to Paper as host of the meme.
  • Do a post about one book from your wishlist and why you want to read it.
  • Add your blog to the linky at the bottom of the post at Pen to Paper.
  • Put a link back to Pen to Paper somewhere in your post.
  • Visit the other blogs and enjoy!

My wishlist book this week is:

The Incrementalists

The Incrementalists by Steven Brust and Skyler White

From Goodreads:

The Incrementalists—a secret society of two hundred people with an unbroken lineage reaching back forty thousand years. They cheat death, share lives and memories, and communicate with one another across nations, races, and time. They have an epic history, an almost magical memory, and a very modest mission: to make the world better, just a little bit at a time. Their ongoing argument about how to do this is older than most of their individual memories.
Phil, whose personality has stayed stable through more incarnations than anyone else’s, has loved Celeste—and argued with her—for most of the last four hundred years. But now Celeste, recently dead, embittered, and very unstable, has changed the rules—not incrementally, and not for the better. Now the heart of the group must gather in Las Vegas to save the Incrementalists, and maybe the world.

Why do I want to read this?

Why wouldn’t I? It sounds like a blast. People who can trace their heritage back 40,000 years — plus, a love story! This book sounds odd and quirky and wonderful, all at the same time. The Incrementalists will be published by Tor Books in September.

I think this blurb by sci-fi writer John Scalzi (author of the hilarious Redshirts) sums it up better than I ever could:

Secret societies, immortality, murder mysteries and Las Vegas all in one book? Shut up and take my money.

What’s on your wishlist this week?

So what are you doing on Thursdays and Fridays? Come join me for my regular weekly features, Thursday Quotables and Flashback Friday! You can find out more here — come share the book love!

And don’t miss out on my blogoversary giveaway — open for a few more days…

15 thoughts on “Wishlist Wednesday

    • Thanks! After I posted this last night, I went on NetGalley and requested it, and just found I that I’ve been approved — so yay! Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

  1. This is my first time seeing this. I am so glad that you shared it. I love secret societies. It adds such an interesting aspect to a story. I hope that you enjoy it when you have the chance to read it. I am marking this one down as a book to watch.

    • I’m really intrigued by the description — I hope it lives up to my expectations! I expect to read it in the next couple of months, so we’ll see. Thanks for stopping by!

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