Reading goals: Series to read in 2024

Somehow, it’s already the middle of January. How did that happen! This post is maybe a little later than originally intended, but still: Happy New Year! Here’s hoping 2024 brings joy and health for one and all!

As is my annual tradition, rather than setting a bunch of reading goals that I probably won’t achieve, I prefer to focus my bookish intentions on series reading. There are so many series out there that I want to get to!

Right now, though, I’m not feeling like committing to reading any particular series from start to finish. I don’t have any in mind that I absolutely, positively want to binge my way through. But… there are a bunch that I’ve considered starting, so for 2024, I’m switching up my focus.

Instead of full-series commitment, my 2024 priorities will focus on series I’d like to start. Who knows? Maybe some will hook me right from the start and I’ll want to keep going, but at the very least, I want to give a bunch of first-in-a-series books a try. We’ll see — if I like them… I may dive in and binge to the end!

Of course, it’s still early in the year, so I may completely change my mind about some or all of these, but as of now…

My priority series to sample/binge/finish in 2024 will be:

Tita Rosie’s Kitchen Mystery series by Mia P. Manansala: I own paperbacks of the first two books in the series, and the books as a whole come highly recommended, so I hope to at least get started!

A Stitch in Time series by Kelley Armstrong: I read the 1st book a few years ago and really liked it, but at this point, would need to start over at the beginning.

Innkeeper Chronicles or Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews: I feel like this author’s books are a gap in my fantasy reading! Both series have been recommended to me, so I may sample one or both, then see which (if either) grabs me enough to continue.

The Lady Janies series by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows: I read My Lady Jane in 2022, identified this as a series to continue in 2023, and then failed to make any progress. Hope springs eternal — maybe 2024 will be the year!

Eye of Isis by Dana Stabenow: I’m excited to read the first book in this series — Death of an Eye — with my book group next month. There are three books published so far, with a 4th in the works. If I like book 1 (and I’m confident that I will), I expect that I’ll want to keep going.

The Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper: This is a repeat from 2023. I just didn’t get around to these books last year, but I still really want to. I’m thinking audio might be the way to go…

And now, all my “maybe” choices — these are all series starters that I’m interested in. Maybe I’ll get to some of these in 2024, and then maybe I’ll want to read more from the same series… or maybe not. In any case, here are the other series starters that I’m considering this year:

  • Something Fabulous by Alexis Hall
  • Pines by Blake Crouch (first in a trilogy, and I’m pretty sure I’ll want to read them all once I start)
  • Kitty and the Midnight Hour (Kitty Norville series, #1) by Carrie Vaughn
  • Green Rider by Kristen Britain
  • Infinity Gate by M. R. Carey
  • Legenborn by Tracy Deonn
  • Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier
  • Arrows of the Queen by Mercedes Lackey (because I feel like I absolutely should have read the Valdemar books by now)
  • Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky (which, yes, has been on my series-to-read list for a few years now, but I haven’t given up!)

Are you planning to start any new series this year? If you’ve read any of the series on my list for 2024, please let me know what you thought and if you have any recommendations!

A look back: Series reading in 2023

At the start of each new year, I write a post about my intended series reading — which series I want to start, which I want to finish, and maybe even some that I want to devour all in one big reading binge.

Now that we’re at the end of December, it’s time to check back in and see if I actually accomplished any of my series reading goals for 2023.

So how did I do?

In 2023, my priority series to read were:

Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky:

Status: NOPE. For the second year in a row, I listed this series as a priority read, and for the second year in a row, I utterly neglected to even start it. I do still want to read these books! I’ve enjoyed the short fiction I’ve read by this author, and I’ve heard great things about these books. Still, they do seem like a big commitment, and I suppose that’s why I haven’t gotten started. I’ll keep these books on my TBR list… but maybe leave them out of my series planning for 2024.

The Locked Tomb series by Tamsyn Muir:

Status: ONE AND DONE. I read Gideon the Ninth toward the end of 2022, and despite not loving it, I thought I’d want to continue and see where the series went. As it turns out, I was wrong. Every time I thought about picking up the next book, I realized how uninterested I was. At this point, I can safely say that I’m done.

Wayfarers series by Becky Chambers:

Status: DONE! I read the first two books in the series in late 2022, and finished the other two early in 2023. I absolutely loved these books! I just wish there were more. I have a feeling I’ll be going back for a re-read at some point.

The Lady Janies series by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows:

Status: NO PROGRESS… but not giving up. I meant to continue with this series (I read the first book in 2022)… and just didn’t get around to it. I still intend to! Maybe 2024 will be the year to make it happen.

The Boyfriend Project by Farrah Rochon:

Status: DONE! I listened to the audiobook editions of this romance trilogy, and really enjoyed all three books. (Recommended by my daughter, who has excellent taste.)

The Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper:

Status: NOPE. But not for lack of interest. I’d still like to get to this series, and have no particular reason why it hasn’t happened yet. I’ll probably carry this series over for my 2024 list.

Regency Faerie Tales by Olivia Atwater:

Status: DONE. I managed to read all three of these books, although I liked each one a little less than the one before, so stopping after the first book really might have made the most sense. Overall, a fun little fairy tale series, even though my enjoyment didn’t last all the way through.

Maybes: I included two “maybe” series on my list for 2023:

  • The Kitty Norville series by Carrie Vaughn
  • Inspector Gamache series by Louise Penny

Status: NOPE. I didn’t touch either one. Maybe someday…

I read a few other series/trilogies/duologies during the year, some of which will end up included in my Best of 2023 list (when I get around to putting it together…). My absolute favorite series of 2023 (and a top contender for my list of all-time favorites series) is… (drumroll, please)…

The Green Creek series by TJ Klune — absolutely spectacular!

That’s it for my 2023 series reading. How about you?

Did you read any series in 2023? Any particular favorites?

Check back in January, when I’ll set a new batch of series reading goals for the new year.

Reading goals: Series to read in 2023

Happy New Year! Here’s hoping 2023 brings joy and health for one and all!

As is my annual tradition, rather than setting a bunch of reading goals that I probably won’t actually try to achieve, I prefer to limit my bookish goals to series reading. There are so many series out there that I want to get to!

I absolutely recognize that I may end up changing my mind on some or all of these, but as of now…

My priority series to read in 2023 will be:

A bunch of carry-overs from 2022:

Children of Time series by Adrian Tchaikovsky: I own two of these books, and the 3rd comes out in January. I meant to at least start these last year… hoping to do better this year!

The Locked Tomb series by Tamsyn Muir: Another carry-over. I’ve read the first book (Gideon the Ninth), and have books 2 & 3 on my shelves, ready to go!

Wayfarers series by Becky Chambers – I finished the first two in 2022, and definitely plan to read the remaining two ASAP.

The Lady Janies series by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows: I read My Lady Jane in 2022, and want to read the next two in 2023.

Plus, some new additions to the list — series to start (and maybe even finish!) in 2023:

The Boyfriend Project by Farrah Rochon: My daughter recommended these to me, and so far, I haven’t had any romance series on my annual series lists.

The Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper: This is an older fantasy series that I really should have read by this point in my life! I read the first book years ago with one of my kids, but I think it’s about time that I give the series a shot, just for me.

Regency Faerie Tales by Olivia Atwater: This series slipped past my radar, but then I started seeing a lot of positive reviews. I think I need to give these books a try.

And finally…

A couple of series that I’ve been meaning to get around to for a while now. Who knows? Maybe 2023 will finally be the year that I give them a try. My “maybe” series for this year are:

  • The Kitty Norville series by Carrie Vaughn
  • Inspector Gamache series by Louise Penny

Are you planning to start any new series this year? If you’ve read any of the series on my list for 2023, please let me know what you thought and if you have any recommendations!

A look back: Series reading in 2022

At the start of each new year, I write a post about my intended series reading — which series I want to start, which I want to finish, and maybe even some that I want to devour all in one big reading binge.

Now that we’re at the end of December, it’s time to check back in and see if I actually accomplished any of my series reading goals for 2022.

So how did I do?

In 2022, my priority series to read were:

The Kingston Cycle trilogy by C. L. Polk:

Status: DONE! I read the trilogy straight through, and had mixed feelings about it as a whole. I liked a lot of the concepts and characters, but the continuity and worldbuilding didn’t especially work for me.

Children of Time and Children of Ruin by Adrian Tchaikovsky:

Status: Nope. At the time when I wrote my post back in January, I thought this was a completed duology, but it turns out there’s a 3rd book coming out in early 2023. I really have no reason for not reading these books yet, other than juggling all the other books I wanted to read! These will go back on my series reading list for 2023.

The Expanse by James S. A. Corey:

Status: DONE! Wow. Just wow. I’d read books 1 – 5 prior to 2022, so this past year I read books 6 – 9 plus the collected stories. Fantastic series, start to finish, and I’m just sad that it’s done. Excellent storytelling with a powerful ending. A must-read series!

The Locked Tomb series by Tamsyn Muir:

Status: A little progress… I had just the first two books on my list at the start of 2022, but since then, a 3rd has been released. I finally read Gideon the Ninth about a month or so ago, didn’t love it… but remain interested enough to see what happens next. I intend to keep going in 2023.

Wayfarers series by Becky Chambers:

Status: Making progress! I’m currently on the 2nd book, and really enjoying it! I intend to keep going with the series, probably via audiobook.

Patternist series by Octavia Butler:

Status: Nope. As much as I’d love to read more Octavia Butler, I just never found myself motivated to start this series. I’d say that these books will remain on my maybe/someday shelf, but I don’t think I’m going to put them on my 2023 series list.

The Lady Janies series by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows:

Status: Baby steps. I read the first book in the series, and loved it! Just haven’t had time to continue yet, but I absolutely intend to.

The Witcher series by Andrzej Sapkowski:

Status: One and done (for now). My goal had been to make lots of progress in this series — maybe even finish it? I read one more book, The Time of Contempt, and even though I still have four more left to read (and actually own copies of them all), I feel pretty done at this point. Maybe after the next season drops on Netflix, I’ll feel inspired to continue with the books… but as of now, I doubt it.

That’s it for my 2022 series reading. How about you?

Did you read any series in 2022? Any particular favorites?

Check back in January, when I’ll set a new batch of series reading goals for the new year.

The Monday Check-In ~ 2/28/2022


My Monday tradition, including a look back and a look ahead — what I read last week, what new books came my way, and what books are keeping me busy right now. Plus a smattering of other stuff too.


Brrrrrr. Greetings from the land of ice and snow!

Okay, I exaggerate… but I’m on the East Coast this week to visit family, and it’s cold! Especially in comparison to the sunny temps in the 60s I left behind. But, I packed my gloves, scarves, and winter boots, so I’m ready! (And really, I’m basically going to be indoors except for the distance from the door to the car, so just ignore my drama queen complaints!)

What did I read during the last week?

Spelunking Through Hell by Seanan McGuire: A really fun addition to the ongoing InCryptids series. My review is here.

One Italian Summer by Rebecca Serle: A magical element without explanation kept me from becoming fully engaged with this story of a mother-daughter relationship. My review is here.

Gwendy’s Final Task by Stephen King and Richard Chizmar: An awesome conclusion to a trilogy that centers around a remarkable, unforgettable character. The audiobook was a treat. My review is here.

Pop culture & TV:

As I write this post late Sunday, I’m getting ready to go watch the season finale of 1883, which I binged this past week, and fell in love with. I’m sooooo worried and preemptively heart-broken — from the way the 2nd to last episode ended, very bad things lie ahead.

On a lighter note, my son and I watched The King’s Man this past week. After reading the mostly negative reviews back when it was released, I was actually surprised by how much we enjoyed it. It’s a silly movie, but lots of fun. And it does manage to include a lot of unexpected historical facts about WWI in amongst the silliness and action sequences. Not a batch choice if you’re looking to stream something that doesn’t require much concentration.

Puzzle of the Week:

I made the mistake of starting this puzzle on Monday last week. It’s a 1500-piece puzzle, and I was determined to get it done before getting on a plane on Saturday. I made it… but only barely. Whew!

Fresh Catch:

No new books this week.

What will I be reading during the coming week?

Currently in my hands:

Persepolis Rising (The Expanse, #7) by James S. A. Corey: Call me crazy, but I really do want to finish up this series this year, so I decided to start this 600+ book on my flight. I haven’t gotten very far yet… but I’m eager to see where the story goes.

Now playing via audiobook:

Where the Lost Wander by Amy Harmon: I started this love story set on the Oregon Trail earlier in the week, not fully thinking about the fact that I would be watching 1883, centered around similar events. It’s actually a good experience balancing the two different stories and getting slightly different takes on the historical era.

Ongoing reads:

Here we go! Outlander Book Club is starting our group read of BEES, reading and discussing two chapters per week — starting tomorrow (March 1st) with the prologue. Considering how many chapters are in this book, this is going to take a loooooong time. (If anyone wants to join us, just ask me how! All are welcome.)

So many books, so little time…


The Monday Check-In ~ 2/21/2022


My Monday tradition, including a look back and a look ahead — what I read last week, what new books came my way, and what books are keeping me busy right now. Plus a smattering of other stuff too.


Just another busy week! But thank heavens for long weekends — I can feel my energy levels resetting already.

My daughter sent me this picture, taken from a plane as her flight passed over San Francisco, and I thought it was too amazing not to share:

We don’t usually get to see our city from the air! I can see exactly where I was out walking when she was flying by.

What did I read during the last week?

An Impossible Impostor by Deanna Raybourn: The 7th book in the Veronica Speedwell series is just as much fun as I’d hoped (and expected). My review is here.

Beach Read by Emily Henry: My book group’s book for February, a re-read for me — and I enjoyed it all over again! My review from my first read is here.

Sandcastle by Pierre Oscar Levy: The graphic novel that inspired M. Night Shyamalan’s movie Old. Short version of a review: Don’t bother. See the movie instead.

Pop culture & TV:

Like millions of others, I watched The Tinder Swindler this past week:

I’m not usually much of a true crime fan, but this movie was so hard to look away from — really like a slow-motion trainwreck. Fascinating and awful.

You may have seen me mention my Yellowstone obsession previously — well, now I’m watch its prequel show, 1883, and I’m loving it too! It’s very different, but really good, with a great cast and (so far) one cameo that totally took me by surprise.

Puzzle of the Week:

A fun puzzle showing a dream setting for me. Give me a cozy cabin, a fireplace, good books, and warm socks any day!

Fresh Catch:

I treated myself to a copy of the final Expanse novel (even though I still have two books left in the series before I can start it).

What will I be reading during the coming week?

Currently in my hands:

Spelunking Through Hell by Seanan McGuire: The 11th book in the Incryptid series. I love this series, and this installment is fun, but I’m not quite as invested as in other books, maybe because I don’t care as much about the central characters in this book versus the leads in some of the others. Still, all Incryptid books are great! [Late Sunday update: Just finished! Review to follow]

One Italian Summer by Rebecca Serle: This is what I’ll be starting Monday morning! I’m looking forward to it — I’ve really liked all three of the books I’ve read by this author. And it opens with a quote from Gilmore Girls, so that’s a very good sign!

Now playing via audiobook:

Gwendy’s Final Task by Stephen King and Richard Chizmar: The last book in the Gwendy trilogy. It’s good so far! The plot is pretty far-fetched, but I’m really liking the story anyway.

Ongoing reads:

None at the moment, but I have a big book group long-term read starting next week, so I’m taking deep breaths this week and getting myself ready!

So many books, so little time…


The Monday Check-In ~ 2/14/2022


My Monday tradition, including a look back and a look ahead — what I read last week, what new books came my way, and what books are keeping me busy right now. Plus a smattering of other stuff too.


Happy Valentine’s Day! Bring on the chocolate and candy hearts!!

(My husband and I don’t typically do much for Valentine’s Day other than (some years) give each other cards… but if you’re doing something fun or romantic or treating yourself to a me-valentine, I hope you enjoy!)

This past week has been super busy with work, but what else is new? I worked at my office three out of five days, and on the one hand, it’s nice to see people again… but it’s hard to give up my work from home routine, with easy access to my back porch when the sun is out.

Although this is San Francisco, so even when the sun makes an appearance, we really can’t count on it lasting:

Sun shining, surfers in the water — beautiful beach day
… aaaaand, 30 minutes later, the fog is back!

What did I read during the last week?

One Night on the Island by Josie Silver: A quick, contemporary romance with uplifting moments, despite some illogical plot points. My review is here.

The Blue Castle by L. M. Montgomery: I’m so glad I finally read this lovely story! My review is here.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (MinaLima edition) by J. K. Rowling: My gazillionth time reading Harry Potter, but my first experience with the gorgeous MinaLima edition, which made it feel new all over again.

I also read these two spur-of-the-moment library books — one a YA novel, one a YA graphic novel. Both were about 3-star reads for me — they passed the time and had some good elements, but neither quite made the mark.

Pop culture & TV:

After watching all three seasons of BBC’s Ghosts, I decided to try the American version too, and just finished the first (and only, so far) season over the weekend. After a few episodes adjusting to the tonal shift and the new mix of ghosts, I ended up liking the American show too, but the BBC characters (Mary and Kitty!!) hold a special place in my heart (and make me laugh a lot more).

Other than that, I’m just keeping up with All Creatures Great and Small and The Gilded Age, and slowly working my way through Raised by Wolves (which is weird AF).

Puzzle of the Week:

I loved my puzzle this week so much that I even wrote a separate post about it (here):

Fresh Catch:

One new book this week:

This book gets mentioned in a novel I read last week (This Is How You Lose the Time War), and when I realized that Travel Light was a real book, I needed a copy of my own.

What will I be reading during the coming week?

Currently in my hands:

An Impossible Impostor by Deanna Raybourn: It’s the new Veronica Speedwell mystery (#7 in the series), and although I’m only a few chapters into it so far, it’s just as delightful as I’d expected. I love this series!

Now playing via audiobook:

Beach Read by Emily Henry: I have actually read this book already, but it’s my book group’s pick for February, and I need a refresher before we discuss!

Ongoing reads:

One of my few reading goals for 2022 is to spend time enjoying the pretty, arty, illustrated books and story collections that I tend to treat myself to from time to time — but then never get around to actually reading.

This week, I’m reading through two art books with different takes on the National Parks… I’m taking my time, enjoying a few pages from each per day. They’re helping me dream, too! I’m having all sorts of fantasies about which parks I can manage to visit when I’m ready to plan some travel time.

I’m bouncing back and forth between these two, and really loving them!

So many books, so little time…


The Monday Check-In ~ 2/7/2022


My Monday tradition, including a look back and a look ahead — what I read last week, what new books came my way, and what books are keeping me busy right now. Plus a smattering of other stuff too.


It’s been a busy workweek, with not much else to distract me — but we’ve had another week of beautiful weather, so at least I got in my share of beach walks and outdoor reading sessions!

What did I read during the last week?

The Phantom Twin by Lisa Brown: Terrific YA graphic novel.

Babylon’s Ashes by James S. A. Corey: Book #6 in the Expanse series — loved it! My review is here.

Strange Dogs by James S. A. Corey: A novella in the world of the Expanse — takes place around the same time as the events of Babylon’s Ashes.

A Season for Second Chances by Jenny Bayliss: Sweet, light romance. My review is here.

Cherish Farrah by Bethany C. Morrow: This dark story did not work for me, despite an interesting twist toward the end. It was just exhausting to spend time inside the main character’s mind.

This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal el-Mohtar and Max Gladstone: This book has been on my TBR since it came out. I finally read it, all in one day, and while I enjoyed the experience, I think many elements went over my head. An interesting concept, but it didn’t form a cohesive whole — at least, not for me.

Pop culture & TV:

I’ve been watching bits and pieces of all sorts of things! I finished season three of BBC’s Ghosts — I hope there will be more! I’ve gotten pretty attached to the characters. Since I liked it so much, I thought I’d give the American version a try too. I’ve only seen two episodes so far… meh. The plot is pretty much identical, but a different gang of ghosts. I’ll see if I warm up to them if/when I watch more.

I also started The Gilded Age and Raised by Wolves. So far, so good!

Puzzle of the Week:

This one practically broke me. Remind me not to do puzzles with MILLIONS of leaves ever again.

Fresh Catch:

One new book this week:

What will I be reading during the coming week?

Currently in my hands:

One Night on the Island by Josie Silver: I’m making a concerted effort to stay on top of my ARC reading schedule! This book releases next week, so I’m right on track. Just getting started, but it seems like it’ll be a fun read.

Now playing via audiobook:

The Blue Castle by L. M. Montgomery: This has been on my to-read (or to-listen) list for years! I just started it over the weekend.

Ongoing reads:

My slow but steady, spread-out-over-time reading:

Still going strong, reading one chapter per day (although I missed a couple of days this week). This is such a gorgeous edition! I think I’ll finish up sometime this coming week.

So many books, so little time…


The Monday Check-In ~ 1/31/2022


My Monday tradition, including a look back and a look ahead — what I read last week, what new books came my way, and what books are keeping me busy right now. Plus a smattering of other stuff too.


How is it the last day of January already? Time is just whooshing by.

For the first time in a long time, I actually went out not one, but TWO nights this past week! First, we had a family dinner at a really nice restaurant, and then we went out again to see the touring production of The Band’s Visit. (I’d seen the show already on Broadway, but it was nice to go again and enjoy it with family members who hadn’t seen it before).

I finally made it to the library donation center this week… it felt good to make some space on my shelves once again! Here’s what I donated:

What did I read during the last week?

So many good books this week!

Shit Cassandra Saw by Gwen E. Kirby: A weird and wonderful short story collection. My thoughts are here.

Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo: 5 stars for this beautiful story of two girls in love in 1950s San Francisco! My review is here.

Heartstopper, volume 4 by Alice Oseman: This graphic novel series continues to be excellent. Can’t wait for #5!

We Sold Our Souls by Grady Hendrix: For whatever strange reason, I just loved listening to the audiobook of this horror novel… and I’m not even a metal fan. My review is here.

Pop culture & TV:

My son and I watched The Last Duel this past week — really well done and fascinating, despite the dark subject matter.

On a lighter note, I finished season two of Ghosts (BBC). It’s adorable! Onward to season 3…

Puzzle of the Week:

Another fun one:

Fresh Catch:

No new books this week!

What will I be reading during the coming week?

Currently in my hands:

Babylon’s Ashes (The Expanse, #6) by James S. A. Corey: I had to really give myself a pep talk before starting this 500+ page book, but now that I’m into it, I’ve really happy to be reading it.

Now playing via audiobook:

A Season for Second Chances by Jenny Bayliss: I borrowed from the library on a whim, thinking a light romance would make a nice change after my most recent listen (metal horror). I’m not very far, but I like the tone so far.

Ongoing reads:

My slow but steady, spread-out-over-time reading:

I’m enjoying my chapter-per-day journey through this gorgeous edition of Harry Potter! Rereading HP is never a bad idea, and the artwork of the edition is amazing!

So many books, so little time…


The Monday Check-In ~ 1/24/2022


My Monday tradition, including a look back and a look ahead — what I read last week, what new books came my way, and what books are keeping me busy right now. Plus a smattering of other stuff too.


I had another busy week, but I’m taking a day off today to get through a few projects, including taking bags and boxes of books to donate at our library’s donation center (which is by appointment only since COVID started). I did a big purge of books I don’t feel like I need to hold onto, and it feels good to see some space on my shelves again! Although, I have a feeling that extra space won’t last long.

Over the weekend, my book group zoomed with William Kent Krueger, the author of Ordinary Grace (our discussion book for January). He was charming and gracious and insightful — such a lovely experience (and a wonderful book).

What did I read during the last week?

Stormsong and Soulstar by C. L. Polk: Books 2 and 3 in the Kingston Cycle trilogy. I read both mainly because getting through this trilogy was a reading goal of mine — but sadly, I was underwhelmed.

In a Book Club Far Away by Tif Marcelo: I really enjoyed this contemporary novel about women’s friendship over the years. My review is here.

The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady by Edith Holden: A beautiful book to give or receive as a gift! My write-up is here.

Pop culture & TV:

Well… I ended up watching all six episodes of White Lotus this week… and even though it was hard to look away, by the end I wished I could unsee parts of it. Super cringey. I doubt I’ll watch season 2.

To cleanse my brain a bit, I’ve been watching episodes of Ghosts (BBC), and it’s very charming. I’m only on season 1 so far. It’s sweet!

Puzzle of the Week:

My current puzzle is in progress — another pretty one from Eeboo!

Fresh Catch:

Some beautiful new books this week! Two from Subterranean Press:

Plus, I treated myself to a book that Kim at Traveling in Books mentioned:

What will I be reading during the coming week?

Currently in my hands:

Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo: I’m loving this LGBTQ+ YA novel set in San Francisco in the 1950s.

Now playing via audiobook:

We Sold Our Souls by Grady Hendrix: I’ve been meaning to get to this book ever since it came out — the only one of this author’s books that I haven’t read yet. I’m just getting started, but I’m liking it so far.

Ongoing reads:

My slow but steady, spread-out-over-time reading:

Shit Cassandra Saw by Gwen E. Kirby: I rarely read short stories, but I’m making an exception for this bizarre and totally awesome collection! I’m trying to read one or two stories per day, which seems to be a pace that works for me.

I bought copies of the MinaLima editions of the first two Harry Potter books, but haven’t actually looked through them at all yet… and that needs to change! So, I’ve taken this pretty edition off my shelf, and my plan for now is to read one chapter per day, taking my time to enjoy all the pretty artwork and design elements. And hey, it’s never a bad time for a re-read of HP!

So many books, so little time…
