Top Ten Tuesday: Top ten books on my TBR list for summer 2024

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, featuring a different top 10 theme each week. This week’s topic is Books on My Summer 2024 to-Read List.

There are so many new releases coming this summer, and I want to read them ALL. I’d like to say that my reading plans also include books from my shelves… but that’s looking kind of iffy at the moment.

Here are ten new releases I can’t wait to read:

  • Close Knit by Jenny Colgan
  • Finding Mr. Write by Kelley Armstrong
  • A Sorceress Comes to Call by T. Kingfisher
  • A Novel Love Story by Ashley Poston
  • Winter Lost by Patricia Briggs (just released today!)
  • The Black Bird Oracle by Deborah Harkness
  • Slow Dance by Rainbow Rowell
  • The Mercy of Gods by James S. A. Corey
  • Haunted Ever After by Jen DeLuca
  • The Night Guest by Hildur Knútsdóttir

What are you planning to read this summer? Please share your links!





38 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Top ten books on my TBR list for summer 2024

  1. Winter Lost! Yes!! That’s high on my summer want-to-read list, too. I also really want to read Finding Mr. Write and Haunted Ever After. I have all three of those on hold at my library. Now if only they would hurry up and come in! 😀

  2. oh wow I didn’t know the All Souls series was getting a new book. I have the first three books and I haven’t touched them yet 😲 I need to get on that! Also a Sorceress Comes to Call sounds great too. Happy summertime reading!

  3. Winter Lost is also on my library request list, as is Nalini Singh’s newest Psy-Changeling Trinity book Primal Mirror released next month). Those are my 2 highest priority books for the summer. I’ve got a stack of library books (mostly ffiction, but with a few nonfiction) I hope I’ll get to, and I’m currently working on rereading a few of the original Honor Harrington books. For nonfiction I’m currently working my way through Wellness Wellplayed: The Power of a Playlist by Jennifer Buchanan.

  4. I got a surprise copy of The Black Bird Oracle last week and I’m looking forward to revisiting Diana and Matthew! I also want to read A Sorceress Comes to Call and Finding Mr Write.

  5. We have a few in common! I’ll also be reading The Night Guest, A Sorceress Comes to Call and A Novel Love Story, and I hope to get a review copy of The Mercy of Gods. Awesome list!

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