The Monday Check-In ~ 2/8/2021

cooltext1850356879 My Monday tradition, including a look back and a look ahead — what I read last week, what new books came my way, and what books are keeping me busy right now. Plus a smattering of other stuff too.


Happy anniversary to us! Today is our 23rd anniversary!! My husband and I haven’t really figured out how to celebrate, since fancy dinners out aren’t really an option right now. I think I’m going to take a day off this week so we can drive somewhere pretty and go for a hike or a picnic. We’ll see. Meanwhile, I’m just feeling grateful for all the wonderful years together!

What did I read during the last week?

The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah: A 5-star read! My review is here.

Game Changer by Neal Shusterman: Thought-provoking YA. My review is here.

Pop culture & TV:

I am loving Queen Sugar! I’m on season 2, and just can’t stop.

Puzzle of the week:

Yay! I finished a puzzle! 

Such a pretty image. I’d like to go here now, please.

Fresh Catch:

No new books this week. Amazing restraint, right?

What will I be reading during the coming week?

Currently in my hands:

The Future Is Yours by Dan Frey: Just starting!

Now playing via audiobook:

Meg & Jo by Virginia Kantra: My book group’s pick for February. Almost done… should be able to post a review in the next couple of days.

Ongoing reads:
  • Outlander Book Club is re-reading Outlander! We’re reading and discussing one chapter per week. This week: Chapter 35, “Wentworth Prison”. Deep breaths…
  • Our current classic read is part 2 of Don Quixote. It’s so nice to be caught up! We’re reading three chapters per week, and it’s actually pretty fun these days.
  • I’m slowly reading The Heroine’s Journey by Gail Carriger. Progress! I read a few chapters this week, so I’m now at about 60%. Interesting stuff!

So many books, so little time…


13 thoughts on “The Monday Check-In ~ 2/8/2021

  1. Happy Anniversary, Lisa! I can always count on you to remind me how long I’ve been married since we got married the same year, lol. (Mine’s in October) Hope you guys do something fun!

  2. I want to see what you thought about the Kristin Hannah book and the YA Shusterman one. I like both those authors – heading over now and Happy Anniversary! We are on our 27th this year 🙂

  3. 23 years!!! Happy anniversary to you both! I hope you got to do something relaxing together ❤ Also, I had no idea Neal Shusterman was publishing a book this year (shows how much I've fallen behind on new releases lol), but it sounds super intriguing and I'll definitely check it out.

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