Top Ten Tuesday: Ten authors I’ve read the most books by

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, featuring a different top 10 theme each week. This week’s topic is Authors I’ve Read the Most Books By.

It looks like I did this topic back in 2015, but my reading habits have changed since then — so, new and improved for 2020, here are ten authors whose books dominate my shelves.

Note: The numbers as reflected in Goodreads aren’t entirely reliable, since they include novellas and stand-alone stories that I’ve marked as read as well as actual novels and other published materials. So… take the the numbers below with a grain (or ten) of salt.

Seanan McGuire – 38 

Because I adore the October Daye series and the Incryptid series, as well as her various other novels and novellas and, well, basically anything she writes. And this doesn’t even include the 12 works I’ve read by her alter ego Mira Grant.


Jim Butcher – 29

And more coming this year, with two new Dresden Files books releasing this summer and fall! Besides the Dresden books, this number includes Codex Alera, some story collections, and Bigfoot!


Dana Stabenow – 27

The Kate Shugak series is at 22 books (and counting), plus there are 4 Liam Campbell books published so far, and I’ve read a collection of her non-fiction travel writing. (Plus, I have more books of hers on my TBR, but who’s counting?)


Patricia Briggs – 25

I love the Mercy Thompson series, as well Alpha & Omega, plus I’ve read any and all Mercy-verse stories that have appeared in various anthologies.


Diana Gabaldon – 23 

I’m going to keep using this picture, because hey, I met DG once in person and it was awesome!

No, there aren’t 23 books in the Outlander series, but this include the Lord John books, the reference books, and the various novellas and stand-alone stories.


Gail Carriger – 23

According to Goodreads, that’s 4 each for the Finishing School and Custard Protocol series, 4 for the Parasol Protectorate, a whole bunch of novellas, and two works published as G. L. Carriger.


Stephen King – 21

Considering how many books he’s written, this is just scratching the surface! I don’t think I’ll ever run out of backlist King books to read, not to mention keeping up with the never-ending new releases.


Tamora Pierce – 19

I went on a Tamora Pierce reading binge last year, reading basically ALL of her Tortall books, one after another. And loved them all! (Mostly.)


John Scalzi – 19

So there’s the Old Man’s War series, the Interdependency trilogy, the Lock In books, and various others too.


And finally, one that maybe should go into a separate category…

Robert Kirkman – 33

Because I’ve read the entire Walking Dead series in trade paperback editions, and that’s 32 books, plus one more about Negan.


Which authors have you read the most? Do we have any in common?

Please share your links!





32 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Ten authors I’ve read the most books by

  1. A friend got me hooked on Pierce’s Tortall books last year as well! I haven’t read them all yet, but that’s mostly due to the ones I need being out of stock at the bookstores I check…

    • The Patricia Briggs books are among the few that I make sure to preorder every time there’s a new book available — I just love them so much!

    • It’s really a lot of fun — although I’m not sure I’ll actually remember anything by the time I read the new book, since it’s been so many years since the last one came out.

    • Absolutely! There are so many types and styles to choose from, so you don’t have to go super-scary horror if that’s not your thing. 🙂

  2. King is on my list today, too, although I’ve only read about a dozen of his books. I started reading him long before blogs and Goodreads existed, so I’m not entirely sure which of his I’ve read and which I hadn’t. I had to guesstimate for today’s list 🙂 I’ve seen him on lots of lists today, which isn’t surprising. He’s very popular!

    Happy TTT!


  3. Wow!!! 29 Jim Butcher books!! I actually didn’t realise he’d written so much – and he made my list with 13 books! Wow.

    I’m also really enjoying Patricia Briggs and Seanan McGuire but I expect it will take me a long time to get through both their back-catalogues! And I would absolutely love to read John Scalzi – any recommendations for starting points?

    Here’s my Top Ten Tuesday!

  4. Awesome list! I’ve been meaning to read Outlander for a while now, and I have the first book, so I may just do that this month. I am scared by how big it is, but also excited. I loved Tempests And Slaughter by Tamora Pierce, and I plan to read the entire series.

    My TTT

    • Outlander is definitely worth it! I love those books so much. Tempests and Slaughter is actually the only Tortall book that I still need to read — I’m so glad to hear you loved it!

  5. I’m always shocked when I read these posts that some of these authors have written so many books! I had no idea John Scalzi has written 19 books. Crazy!

  6. I definitely could have added a few comic book writers to my list, but I chose to leave those out. Three cheers for SK, Seanan McGuire, and John Scalzi! McGuire and Scalzi will definitely be on my “most read” list before too long.

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