Top Ten Tuesday: It’s all above LOVE… My ten favorite love stories from this past year of reading.

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, featuring a different top 10 theme each week. This week’s topic is Love Freebie, which means we all put our own spin on the topic of LOVE.

I thought I’d keep it simple, and highlight my ten favorite love stories that I read in the past year:

1. Royal Holiday by Jasmine Guillory: A love story where the main characters are in their 50s and HOT? Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!

2. Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston: Sticking with the royal theme — just such an adorable story.

3. The Flatshare by Beth O’Leary: A super cute set-up with great follow-through.

4. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid. Just breathtaking.

5. The Unkindest Tide by Seanan McGuire. Okay, technically not a love story… but this urban fantasy series includes one of my favorite fictional couples, Toby and Tybalt, so it counts!

6. The Dinner List by Rebecca Searle: This is another that’s not an obvious choice, but there is a love story at the heart of this unusual novel, and its power grows over the course of the book.

7. Marilla of Green Gables by Sarah McCoy: Yes, true, this also isn’t a love story exactly… but this outstanding prequel to Anne of Green Gables features a truly poignant, sad tale of unfulfilled love that absolutely broke my heart.

8. Twice in a Blue Moon by Christina Henry: I know many fans of this author duo didn’t adore this book, but I did! I thought it was sweet and charming and just right for me.

9. The Summer series by Jenny Han: Not quite as wonderful as the Lara Jean books, but still sweet and touching.

10. Things You Save in a Fire by Katherine Center: Powerful and moving.

There you have it! But enough about me… What were the best love stories you read during the past year?

If you wrote a TTT post this week, please share your link and let me know your topic!

And PS – Happy (early) Valentine’s Day!





27 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: It’s all above LOVE… My ten favorite love stories from this past year of reading.

  1. Great list! I loved The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo and I really need to get to Red, White & Royal Blue – I just wish the ebook was a bit cheaper! I’ve been really enjoying discovering the romance genre over the past couple of years, and I think Grace Draven’s Entreat Me is still one of my favourites.

  2. The seven husbands of evelyn hugo was definitely an interesting exploration of what it means to be in love vs just being together with someone. That’s a great pick for this list!

    My TTT.

    • Great way to put it! I managed to avoid spoilers, so the central love story in Evelyn Hugo really took me by surprise, and I think that’s the way to read it. 🙂

  3. Wow Lisa You’re absolutely awesome with these books..! well i write short poems Goodbye Poems & but somehow,I get some time for reading books & you given me some great books so definitely i read.. The Dinner List i think this one i read first 🙂 thank you very much for sharing.. bless & love..

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