The Monday Check-In ~ 2/20/2017

cooltext1850356879 My Monday tradition, including a look back and a look ahead — what I read last week, what new books came my way, and what books are keeping me busy right now. Plus a smattering of other stuff too.



Three-day weekends rock. Sleep, read, repeat.

What did I read last week?


Birds of a Feather by Jacqueline Winspear: Done! I’m participating in a blog tour celebrating the Maisie Dobbs series, and will be posting my thoughts on book #2 on Tuesday.

The Girl Before by JP Delaney: Done! Check out my review, here.

In audiobooks…

Fire Touched

I finished listening to Fire Touched by Patricia Briggs, from which I realized that (a) I read this book so quickly when it was first released that it just didn’t sink in, and (b) my love for the Mercy Thompson series is eternal. I really hadn’t remembered much about the plot of Fire Touched (except the opening scenes — who can forget a giant green troll on a bridge?). I’m glad I revisited this book, so I’ll be 100% ready for the next book as soon as it’s released… March 7th!

Fresh Catch:

No new books this week.

Bookish tech fun:


My latest obsession is the Libib app (which I heard of thanks to someone else’s blog post this week, and now I can’t remember whose it was!). I’m happily scanning all of the unread books on my shelves so I’ll have a way of keeping track. It’s quite fun. Can’t wait until I’m done and I see how the total number has changed from my last count a year ago.

Oh, and thank you, Goodreads, for finally adding in rereading capabilities! Check out the post about it on the Goodreads blog, here. So now I can document just how much times I’ve read Outlander (5 or 6?), Harry Potter (at least 7 or 8), and all my other faves.

Bookish news:


Anyone else squeal and/or jump up and down when they heard about Philip Pullman’s upcoming release, The Book of Dust? Just me? Yes, October’s still a long way off, but considering it’s been 17 years since The Amber Spyglass came out, I’m willing to wait just a bit longer to finally get a companion series. Check out the latest news, here.

What will I be reading during the coming week?

Currently in my hands:

Haven’t quite decided what I feel like reading next — something to pull on my heartstrings or a spooky ghost story?

Now playing via audiobook:


Prudence by Gail Carriger: After listening to all of Gail Carriger’s Finishing School series audiobooks, I decided to go back to Prudence. I didn’t love it all that much when I first read it (as evidence, check out my original review), but perhaps I just wasn’t in the right mood at the time. I’ve listened to about 25% by now, and it’s quite fun.

Ongoing reads:

MOBYOne Hundred Years of Solitude

My book group is reading and discussing Written in My Own Heart’s Blood by Diana Gabaldon — 2 chapters per week — with an end date coming up in June.

It’s week #2 of Outlander Book Club’s group read of One Hundred Years of Solitude. If you’d like to join in, just ask me how!

So many books, so little time…







2 thoughts on “The Monday Check-In ~ 2/20/2017

  1. I’m SO excited about the new Pullman books!!! I’m planning on doing a re-read just because. 😀 And I can track it as a re-read too now! WHEE! lol

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