Top Ten Tuesday: Top ten bookish gifts I’d love to find by the light of my menorah (2016)


Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, featuring a different top 10 theme each week. This week’s topic is Ten Books I Wouldn’t Mind Santa Leaving Under My Tree… but since I don’t expect a visit from Santa (even though I’ve been much more nice than naughty this year), I thought I’d make my post title a little more relevant to my life.

I have a tendency not to wait when there’s a book I really, really want… but then there are the more expensive, extravagant, or impractical items that I’d love to have, but just can’t justify spending money on. So, if any of my secret Hanukkah buddies out there are reading this post (just kidding, I have no such thing), here are the books and bookish items I’d really love to receive as gifts this year:

1. The Hamilton book! Now that I finally have tickets to see the show (May — hurray!), I’m trying to immerse myself in all things Hamilton. And I need this book.


2. The illustrated edition of Game of Thrones: Because having beat-up paperback editions on my shelf just isn’t enough. The book looks gorgeous.



3. The Outlander Kitchen: This is funny if you know me, because I absolutely DO NOT COOK. I’m sure my husband would be rolling on the floor laughing hysterically right now if he knew I put a cookbook on my wishlist. But look! It’s Outlander, and it’s so pretty!


4. Any of all of these new Penguin hardcover editions of classic sci fi novels. Don’t these look amazing?


5. I’ve had a 3rd generation Kindle Keyboard for years now, and it works perfectly, so there’s no reason to replace it. And yet… I’m so tempted by the Kindle Paperwhite, or if I wanted to get even crazier, maybe even the Voyage.

What I have

What I have…

What I want…

6. How about splurging on a set of great quality Hogwarts robes? Totally practical — I solemnly swear that I’ll wear them on my next trip to the Wizarding World at Universal!


7. This book won’t be released until the end of December, but I really want it — it’s a hardcover collection of John Scalzi’s short works. It’s a relatively small book at a pretty high price, so unless I see a sudden price break, it’s unlikely I’d treat myself.


8. I’d love to find a coffee table book of Moby Dick, with beautiful illustrations and complete annotations of the text. I haven’t actually seen one (although I haven’t looked at that hard either), but that’s what I want.


9. Moving on to the utterly frivolous, I’ve always enjoyed looking at the odds and ends in the Noble Collection, and would happily accept anything from their Harry Potter line.

10. And wrapping it all up, I think any sort of bookish piece of jewelry from Etsy would be awesome. Here’s a necklace I just found. Adorable, right?

Whatever you’ll be celebrating this holiday season, may the bookish gift fairies be very kind to you!

Happy Holidays!

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38 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Top ten bookish gifts I’d love to find by the light of my menorah (2016)

  1. Those new Penguin scifi hardcovers looks really amazing, too bad I’m not really interested in the books or I would probably buy them right away 😀

    I really need a new Kindle, too, because mine has become really slow and I had gotten my hopes up for the new Oasis but was pretty disappointed by how ugly it turned out to be 😀 Now I don’t know if I should get the Voyage or rather wait for the next new model 😀

    • I’m still debating when it comes to Kindle. The Voyage is pretty pricy, but seems to have more features than the Paperwhite. Then again, my trusty old one hasn’t died yet! 🙂

  2. Great post, Lisa! Those science fiction books look amazing and I agree: I’m not even a big fan of George R.R. Martin’s work but the illustrated Game of Thrones is stunning. I’ve also yet to read Outlander but every time I see that cookbook it catches my eye and I don’t why because, like you, I am not a cook. Have a fantastic holiday!

  3. Wow, so many cool things on this list! The illustrated Game of Thrones is gorgeous though. I’d love a copy of that one. I’m not a cook by any means either but I’ve a copy of the Outlander book, and most of the recipes look pretty doable. 😉

    My TTT this week.

  4. I’m obsessed with Game of Thrones and grabbed the illustrated version recently which I love! I’d also says yes to the Harry Potter robes as he is my other big obsession! And of course I love my ereader! Great list!

  5. LOOOOOVE my Kindle Voyage! Love it. I gave up my Kindle 3 for something with a backlight and I’ve never regretted it.

    Also, I don’t cook even a bit and I want the Outlander cookbook!

  6. Awwww the Kindle keyboard! Brings back such fond memories. It was my first Kindle. I had to replace it with a Paperwhite after it finally croaked. haha And that Game of Thrones book does look spectacular!

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