The Monday Check-In ~ 12/29/2014

cooltext1850356879 My Monday tradition, including a look back and a look ahead — what I read last week, what new books came my way, and what books are keeping me busy right now. Plus a smattering of other stuff too.

What did I read last week?


Scarlet and Cress (Lunar Chronicles, books 2 & 3) by Marissa Meyer: It’s kind of painful to be caught up. Now all I can do is wait for the next release! My thoughts on my Lunar book binge are here.


Glory O’Brien’s History of the Future by A. S. King: Hmm. I read it – but don’t really have anything to say about it. I’ve really enjoyed other books by this author, and I think she’s very talented — but Glory O’Brien was just odd, and I didn’t connect with it in the slightest. For another take, though, you could check out Rick  Yancey’s review from last week’s New York Times.









I read Hyperbole and a Half by Allie Brosh for this month’s Fields & Fantasies book club discussion. Stay tuned! The discussion post will be up in the next few days.

Elsewhere on the blog:

I posted my year-end wrap up (here), and made one key resolution for 2015.

Fresh Catch:

No one in my family buys me books. Sad, but true. They all seem to think I have enough books… what do they know? So I filled myself up with holiday joy by treating myself to a few books:

Redesign_9780425260937_HypnotistsLo_cover.inddsaga 4

bad feministlucy

What will I be reading during the coming week?

Currently in my hands:

saga collage

It’s time to catch up on the wonderful Saga series by Brian K. Vaughan, now that I have volume 4 in my hot little hands. Rereading volumes 1 and 2 and then going straight through 3 and 4 sounds like a perfect way to enjoy New Year’s week.

Now playing via audiobook:

5th wave

The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey: Re-reading via audiobook, and it’s mighty good the 2nd time around!

Reading with my kiddo:

talking to dragons

Talking to Dragons (Enchanted Forest Chronicles #4) by Patricia C. Wrede: It feels like we’ve been reading this one forever… and our out-of-sync schedule during the holiday season isn’t helping matters. Sigh.

Book club reading:


Classic read: The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Emmuska Orczy. (One chapter per week)

A Breath of Snow and Ashes by Diana Gabaldon: Reading and discussing two chapters per week, from now through the end of 2015!

Want to join any of the group reads? Let me know and I’ll provide the links!

So many book, so little time…



9 thoughts on “The Monday Check-In ~ 12/29/2014

    • I’ve read short pieces by the author before and liked her approach. I think I’ll probaby start Bad Feminist in the next couple of weeks and read one or two essays at a time so I don’t get overloaded.

  1. I’m a big fan of The Scarlet Pimpernel, but more for the movie (with Anthony Andrews) than the book. The book has some stereotypes which is hard to get past. But I do so love the character of Sir Percival Blakeney. Have you seen the movie?

    • Not yet! We’re reading one chapter per week (so it’s taking a long time), but we’ve decided that we’ll all watch one or more movie versions when we’ve done. I was completely unfamiliar with the story before this, so I still have no idea how it’ll all work out! We have about 10 chapters to go, I think. I’m glad my book group picked this one — I don’t think I would ever have read it on my own, and I am enjoying it.

  2. I want Bad Feminist too…Diana Gabaldon is massive isn’t she, especially in the States? I’ve never read her – am I right in thinking her books are set in Scotland? (So you can always visit me if you’re on a Diana Gabaldon pilgrimage!) And nobody really buys me books either, unless I specifically ask for something, and then it’s not a surprise!

    • Are you in Scotland? I don’t think I realized that! Yes, Diana Gabaldon is huge here, especially now that there’s a TV version of Outlander and tons of people are discovering the books for the first time. The first several books take place in Scotland, and there’s always a strong connection for the characters, even when the action moves primarily to the American colonies. Ha, it’s my dream to do an Outlander pilgrimage someday! I’ll let you know if it ever happens. 🙂

      • Yes I live in a small town in the west coast of Scotland called Oban – although I’m currently at my parents’ house on the Isle of Mull, which is massively popular with tourists…great place to grow up, until you hit 11 and realise building huts and playing soldiers is pretty dull…and we’d no internet then!

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