The Monday agenda 4/29/2013

MondayAgendaNot a lofty, ambitious to-be-read list consisting of 100+ book titles. Just a simple plan for the upcoming week — what I’m reading now, what I plan to read next, and what I’m hoping to squeeze in among the nooks and crannies.

How did I do with last week’s agenda?

A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness: Done! My review is here. Beautiful, heart-breaking book.

Attachments by Rainbow Rowell: Done! Delightful. My review is here.

A Spear of Summer Grass by Deanna Raybourn: I’ve read about 30% by now. So far, so good.

Fresh Catch:

First of all, this arrived:

Angel & Faith, volume 3: Family Reunion. My inner fangirl nerd is squealing with delight right now.

I did end up with a few library books this week as well. I don’t understand how that happened — all I did was stop at the library to return a book, and somehow I ended up with these:

I just can’t get ahead.

What’s on my reading agenda for the coming week?

After A Spear of Summer Grass, I need to get through a few more books sitting on my Kindle, including The First Rule of Swimming and Questions of Travel. But I’m highly fickle these days, as well as easily distracted, so who knows what shiny new cover may catch my eye?

On the “call me ambitious” front, after seeing the amazing new movie version of Much Ado About Nothing this past weekend (see my reaction here), I’ve decided that I really need to read a Shakespearean comedy or two to make up for what are apparently some very sad deficiencies in my education. So, I pulled my massive Riverside Shakespeare off the shelf and plan to read through Much Ado in the next week or two. And I’m sure I’m going to be perfectly insufferable about the whole thing.

My son and I are continuing with The Magician’s Nephew by C. S. Lewis. We’ve just about reached the half-way mark at this point, and we’re finding it a quick and entertaining read.

So many book, so little time…

That’s my agenda. What’s yours? Add your comments to share your bookish agenda for the week.

2 thoughts on “The Monday agenda 4/29/2013

  1. It’s funny how that happens in libraries! 😉 I am actually going to return some books tomorrow, and I really shouldn’t borrow anything since I’m trying to force myself to read some of the many books sitting on my shelf. Let’s see how that goes…

    Ooooh, you like Whedon? I haven’t actually read any of the Buffy universe graphic novels, are they any good? And I can’t wait to see Much Ado, so jealous!

    • Yes, big Whedon fan here! I love the Buffy comics — “season 8” picks up right where the TV series ended. The stories have been great so far, and the artwork is terrific. I definitely recommend checking them out!

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