Review: The Time Tutor by Bee Ridgway… plus a giveaway!

I’ve made no secret of the fact that I absolutely loved Bee Ridgway’s debut novel, The River of No Return, which was released in 2013. (You can read my review here). And so… I’m incredibly excited to share two goodies today:  A review of The Time Tutor, a novella set in the same world as The River of No Return, and a giveaway of the brand new paperback version of The River of No Return!

9780698169081_large_The_Time_TutorIn The Time Tutor, we revisit the world of time travelers and their mysterious secret society The Guild, this time through the experiences of Alva Blomgren. In The River of No Return, we meet Alva as a woman of the world, running a house of ill repute with a secret basement holding all sorts of goodies from her travels through time. Alva is a strong, beautiful woman who interacts with the main character, Nick, but her role in the novel is as a supporting, secondary character. In The Time Tutor, we get to know Alva’s backstory and see how she becomes the person she is, breaking free of the Guild’s hold and finding a way to use her skills, brains, and power for her own purposes. The Time Tutor is short and to the point, so don’t read it expecting a lot of scene-setting or build-up. Instead, it’s a fast-paced story that includes passion, intrigue, deception, and of course, leaps through time. Some familiar characters appear in addition to Alva, but note that this is a prequel, so knowledge of the events of the novel is not essential in order to enjoy this novella. The Time Tutor works on its own, but of course its greatest appeal will be for fans of The River of No Return who are eagerly awaiting a new installment!

And now, a giveaway! Thanks to Plume Books/Penguin, I’m able to offer one copy of the brand new paperback edition of The River of No Return, which is scheduled for release on March 25th.


Gorgeous cover, right?

The giveaway is available for residents of the US and Canada only. To enter, click the link below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck!


7 thoughts on “Review: The Time Tutor by Bee Ridgway… plus a giveaway!

  1. I still haven’t gotten a chance to read this one! I even had it out from the library at one point but couldn’t get to it (I’ve been biting off more than I can chew a LOT lately).

    If I could time travel to anywhere… I think it would be really cool to see Venice or Florence during the Renaissance, I just don’t know that I could do without modern conveniences like indoor plumbing. Maybe I could just visit for a few hours? Of course, that’s not enough time to see much.

    I’ve got it… commuter time-travel!

  2. I read RoNR a while back, but I’ll undoubtedly need to review it before a sequel, so it would be great to have a copy.

    If I could time travel to anywhere – that’s a tough question. I agree with the poster above about not doing well without modern conveniences. Of course, if you could guarantee I’d meet Jamie Fraser (or Lord John Grey), I would totally be headed to Scotland/England/America in the mid-late 1700s. ;-D Otherwise, maybe early 19th century England to see the real world of Jane Austen’s books? (I expect to finish Austenland later today, so that’s why this is on my mind.) I’d need the visits to be brief, though, because I’m not one who’s likely to do well without modern plumbing, heating/AC, electricity and medical advances.

    [Note: I just lied on the contest page when I clicked “I Commented” before I came back here to actually post a comment, but I assume you’ll forgive me since I am commenting now. 😉 ]

  3. I still haven’t read this book, lol. Gorgeous cover, will definitely have to check it out! And I saw The Time Tutor floating around recently on my GR feed but I didn’t realise it was from the same author *goes off to add it to her list*

    If I could time travel…oh man, I honestly don’t know where to start on that one! Maybe Regency England because, you know, men in cravats =P Or maybe some time in 19th century Europe: hang out with the Impressionist crowd in Paris, take the Grand Tour of Europe and hang about Italy…yeah, that would be cool 🙂 Or maybe when the Renaissance started in Italy and they were erecting all those amazing monuments and buildings ❤

    Thank you for hosting this awesome giveaway 🙂

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