Say hello to Claire Beauchamp Randall Fraser!

Big news in Outlander world today! After driving fans everywhere absolutely bonkers with all the waiting, Starz has just announced the casting of Claire in its upcoming Outlander TV series.

Say hello to Caitriona Balfe, our new Claire!


I’ll have to take Diana Gabaldon’s word for it in terms of Caitriona’s acting abilities (quote from DG’s Facebook page:

yes, I saw her audition videos with Sam (they were _great_!)

… but she certainly has the right look! Beautiful, isn’t she? Who else is getting really excited about the series?

Outlander fans, what do you think?

Say hello to Jamie Fraser!

I’ve made no secret of the fact that I’m a huge fan of the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon… and while I’ve been participating in the mad Tweet-fest over this week’s Outlander news, I haven’t actually shared it here. So — drumroll, please, — for the last few Outlander fans who haven’t heard the news yet, say hello to Sam Heughan, signed this week to play Jamie Fraser in the upcoming Outlander TV series on Starz.

UPDATED: 12/26/2014:

I just couldn’t stand the fact that my old post with a photoshopped Sam keeps getting hits, since we know that Sam’s Jamie doesn’t look at all like this:

So in order to set the record straight, I’m adding in a “real” Jamie pic of Sam, in all his wonderful glory. Enjoy!


There now. I feel much better. (~Lisa @ BSF, 12/26/2014)