Help! Have I been doing jigsaw puzzles wrong all this time?

Just a small selection of my 2020-2021 puzzle collection…

By rough estimates, I have done about eleventy-billion jigsaw puzzles since the pandemic started.

I know, right?

But a random comment during a family dinner last night has me freaking out… because maybe my super-awesome puzzling skills aren’t actually all that impressive after all!

As we were chatting about puzzles — like people do — someone commented that once they take the pieces out of the box, they put the box away. And I was like… what??? But how do you know what it’s supposed to look like?

And they told me that they look at the picture before they start, but that’s it.


Which basically implies…

I’ve been cheating all along!?!?!?!?!?!

It has never once occurred to me NOT to keep the puzzle box cover handy as a reference while working on a puzzle. Am I not supposed to? Are we supposed to just do our puzzles blind?

I’m shocked and dismayed and doubting my super puzzling abilities.

What do you think?

Has all my puzzling been in vain?

Photo by Sharon Snider on

I won’t be able to sleep nights until I get some answers! Please share your thoughts!

Top Ten Tuesday: Non-bookish hobbies

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, featuring a different top 10 theme each week. This week’s topic is non-bookish hobbies. Wait, is there such a thing? You mean there’s something people do for fun that doesn’t include books???

Honestly, other than reading, there’s really not that much I’m doing for fun these days… so I thought I’d include my current hobbies and my pre- (and hopefully post-) COVID activities too.

Pre-COVID, some of my favorites hobbies and amusements:

  • Travel (Oh, I miss travel so much!)
  • Museums
  • Hiking, especially at state and national parks
  • LIve theater

And these days…

  • Long walks
  • Jigsaw puzzles
  • Phone/Zoom/FaceTime with distant friends and relatives
  • Binge-watching TV series

… and that’s all I can think of that doesn’t include books or reading!

As for today — Election Day — I’m grateful to have my job, blogging, and participating in TTT to distract me. This is going to be a LONG day.

What are your favorite non-bookish hobbies? What are you doing to entertain yourself during COVID?

If you wrote a TTT post, please share your link!