The Monday Check-In ~ 06/10/2024


My Monday tradition, including a look back and a look ahead — what I read last week, what new books came my way, and what books are keeping me busy right now. Plus a smattering of other stuff too.


The week zipped by. Nothing too eventful, but I did manage to finally get some travel plans made for later in the summer. Vacation time is still way off, but at least it’s on the calendar!

Reading & blogging.

I’ve reached a point where I’m super frustrated — mostly with myself — because I’m overextended with ARC commitments and find myself without the ability to read on a whim… or at least, to read on a whim without guilt. The ARCs I have pending are all books I’ve been excited to read, and still, they’re taking up too much of my reading time.

Reading by obligation or to meet a schedule has never particularly worked for me. (This is why I tend not to participate in reading challenges). From this point forward, I’m going to try to be much more selective about requesting ARCs — my intention will be to request only the ones I’d read no matter what. As for the ARCs I might be tempted to request because they happen to catch my eye, my goal will be to make note of upcoming releases that look good and add them to my library “for later” list, but not put in any further spur-of-the-moment ARC requests this year.

I need more reading freedom! It makes me cranky to have to plan my books according to the calendar.

What did I read during the last week?

Jackpot Summer by Elyssa Friedland: For all of us who dream about winning the lottery! My review is here.

Hula by Jasmin ‘Iolani Hakes: A powerful, beautiful novel about family, belonging, responsibility, and tradition. I read this for a book group; our discussion is coming up in another week. Review to follow.

A Turn of the Tide (A Stitch in Time, #3) by Kelley Armstrong: This installment (in an excellent series) is a swashbuckling adventure — pirates included! I also read the companion/follow-up novella, Ghosts & Garlands, which is a sweet holiday-themed treat. My review of A Turn of the Tide is here.

Pop culture & TV:

I’m so glad I decided to go back to Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power! When it originally aired, I watched one episode… and for whatever reason, kind of wandered away and never continued. With the 2nd season about to drop, I thought it was time to give it another try, and finished season 1 on Sunday night. I loved it! Can’t wait for season 2.

Meanwhile, after a lackluster start, season 2 of Interview with the Vampire has really picked up over the last couple of episodes, and I’m hooked.

Of course, what I’m most excited for is the 2nd half of the Bridgerton season… starting in just a few days!

Fresh Catch:

No new books this week.

What will I be reading during the coming week?

Currently in my hands:

I finished a big book (Hula) late Sunday, and haven’t quite decided what to start next. Most likely, once of these:

All three are ARCs for June new releases — two romances, and one other with a pretty dramatic vibe, so I’ll just have to see which suits my mood later today!

Now playing via audiobook:

Kilmeny of the Orchard by L. M. Montgomery: I’m slowly trying to read the various stand-alones by LMM on my TBR list. This is a relatively short audiobook, and so far, the opening chapters have been enough to catch my attention.

Ongoing reads:

My longer-term reading commitments:

  • Daniel Deronda by George Eliot: My book group’s current classic read. We’re reading and discussing two chapters per week. Progress: 98%. Our final week! We’ll finish the last chapter on Wednesday this week.
  • Damn Rebel Bitches: The Women of the ’45 by Maggie Craig: Over at Outlander Book Club, we’re doing a group read of this non-fiction book, discussing one chapter each Friday. Progress: 22%. Coming up this week: Chapter 6, “The Monstrous Regiment of Women”

What will you be reading this week?

So many books, so little time…


14 thoughts on “The Monday Check-In ~ 06/10/2024

  1. I hear you, my ARCs are out of control too. I’m not sure what happened, since I started the year with a firm plan to back off on requests. Good luck with carving out some non ARC reading time, sometimes you just have to ignore the schedule and read what you want anyway😁

    • I really had a firm plan to reduce the number of requests at the beginning of the year too! I was in decent shape, and then a couple of requests that I assumed were denied came through when the books were released, and that really threw me off. I’m trying to power through my ARCs for June/early July, and then I should be able to manage the much smaller number for the rest of the year.

  2. Yay for getting your vacation on the calendar! It’s nice having something like that to look forward to. And I’m sorry your ARCs are piling up. I don’t do well having to read certain books on a schedule like that, and then review them, too! It makes reading feel too much like work to me, which is why I’ve never gone the ARC route. I like being free to mood read, but I am sometimes envious of all those early free copies of books you get. I guess it’s a trade-off. Good luck catching up!

    • It really is a trade-off, and I love getting access to books I’m excited for, but the pressure is real! I’m totally a mood reader when left to my own devices (I really have to pressure myself to keep up with my book group reading schedule), so cutting back or eliminating ARCs is my goal. Thanks!

  3. I’m an incorrigible mood reader so keeping the balance between arc commitments and free reading is challenging! How nice to have a vacay on the calendar! I spent my vacation money at the dentist last week. 😔 🤷‍♂️

    • Oh no, sorry to hear about the dentist! I hope it’s at least a good investment in how you feel. 🙂 I’m looking forward to getting through my next batch of ARCs, and then coasting through the rest of the year based just on my moods.

  4. Oh that’s fun about making summer plans, something to look forward to! And I hear you about Bridgerton, I’m legit on the edge of my seat- I actually thought it was coming out today, but always forget that we’re a day behind America!! Imagine my disappointment when I sat down to watch it this evening 😅

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