Top Ten Tuesday: Gimme. Gimme now.


Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, featuring a different top 10 theme each week. This week’s topic is Books I’d Slay a Lion to Get Early — which, okay, I don’t think I’d actually slay a lion… but would I sell my firstborn to get my hands on these books? Well, no, not that either. But I’d be really, really appreciative if these books fell into my hands — does that count?

So here are the books I’d be most likely to make grabby hands at, with much squeeing and a little bit of jumping up and down:

Without doubt, the #1 book I’d sell my soul for is…

Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone by Diana Gabaldon – book #9 in the amazing and wonderful Outlander series. According to Herself, 2019 is the soonest we can expect this book. Considering that the previous book in the series was published in 2014, is it any wonder that devoted fans worldwide are working themselves into a frenzy waiting and waiting and waiting? Gimme now, please.

Beyond that, I’d love, love, love to magically get early copies of:

2. The Winds of Winter by George R. R. Martin: Well, wouldn’t we all? Who know when this baby will be ready… maybe not until after the TV series wraps up? And if that’s the case, will we still want to read it? (Well, duh. Of course we will.)

3. Time’s Convert by Deborah Harkness: Look, a book with an actual release date! This book continues the story of the All Souls Trilogy, and will be released in the fall. Can’t wait!

4. Night and Silence by Seanan McGuire: The 12th October Daye book, due out in September. After bingeing the entire series over the last two months, I’m dying for more!!

5. Storm Cursed by Patricia Briggs: The 11th Mercy Thompson book! Man, do I love this series. Can’t wait for more Mercy… but sadly, wait I must. Storm Cursed will be released in March 2019.

6. Peace Talks by Jim Butcher: The 16th Dresden Files book. Yes, I’m on a roll with my urban fantasy series. Can’t help it — they’re all so good! No release date yet for this book, so we can only wait and hope that it will be soon.

7. The Winter of the Witch by Katherine Arden: The 3rd book in the Winternight trilogy will be released in August. I loved the first two books so much — dying to see how the story wraps up!

8. Competence by Gail Carriger: The next book in the Custard Protocol series comes out this summer, and I have it on preorder already… but would I be happy to have it in front of me right now? Of course!

And that’s where I’ll stop! Sure, I have plenty of other books I’m looking forward to, but these are the one I’m most passionate about… the one that might get me to reveal ancient family secrets, or pledge eternal servitude, or at the very least, promise to do all the chores, all year long if only I could get my hands on them!

What books are on your list this week? Please share your link!


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16 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Gimme. Gimme now.

  1. Great list! I am DYING for Go Tell the Bees! Fingers crossed she finishes it in time for a 2019 publication. And Winds of Winter… Come on George! At this rate, I’m definitely going to need a series refresher when we’re given a release date. I’m dying for The Winter of the Witch too but am a little peeved because I was scrolling my Amazon wishlist yesterday and saw that they bumped the release date to January 2019! It hasn’t been updated on Goodreads so maaaaaybe we’ll still get it in August.

    • Oh, I really, really hope 2019 will be the magic year for Bees! I can’t believe it about The Winter of the Witch! I was just getting excited that August isn’t all that far away — I don’t want to wait until January!

      • I know, right?! I was so excited that it was going to be coming so soon after Girl in the Tower but I guess I’d rather she had enough time to really make it the best she can so I guess I’m okay with it haha.

  2. I am new to this blog and I am so excited to have all these new authors to read. The first three on your list are my top three as well. Now I can binge read the others. Thanks!!

    • Welcome! Thank you so much for visiting and commenting! It’s nice to know we have some favorite authors/books in common. If you enjoy urban fantasy, then I think you’ll really enjoy some of the others as well.

  3. I am SO hype for ‘The Winter of the Witch’ 🙂 The first books were SO good, I can’t wait to see how it will play out. And ‘Winds of Winter’….. I am so used to waiting, I probably couldn’t deal with the book really getting published 😀 It’s like a constant state now. Nothing is certain but death, taxes & waiting for The Winds of Winter^^

    • Ha, I love your comment. You’re so right — what would it be like to actually have a copy of The Winds of Winter? It might trigger a time paradox or singularity or something. 🙂

  4. Great list, Lisa! So many of these I need to get to… once I’ve started the series. Outlander is one I definitely need to get to, and I’m hoping to finish the Parasol Protectorate series soon so I can move on to the Prudence books. I really need to start the October Daye series as well, I’ve heard nothing but great things so far!

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