Flashback Friday: The Samurai’s Garden

ffbutton2Flashback Friday is a weekly tradition started here at Bookshelf Fantasies, focusing on showing some love for the older books in our lives and on our shelves. If you’d like to join in, just pick a book published at least five years ago, post your Flashback Friday pick on your blog, and let us all know about that special book from your reading past and why it matters to you. Don’t forget to link up!

My Flashback Friday pick this week:

The Samurai's Garden

The Samurai’s Garden by Gail Tsukiyama
(published 1994)

Synopsis (Goodreads):

A 20-year-old Chinese painter named Stephen is sent to his family’s summer home in a Japanese coastal village to recover from a bout with tuberculosis. Here he is cared for by Matsu, a reticent housekeeper and a master gardener. Over the course of a remarkable year, Stephen learns Matsu’s secret and gains not only physical strength, but also profound spiritual insight. Matsu is a samurai of the soul, a man devoted to doing good and finding beauty in a cruel and arbitrary world, and Stephen is a noble student, learning to appreciate Matsu’s generous and nurturing way of life and to love Matsu’s soulmate, gentle Sachi, a woman afflicted with leprosy.

The synopsis is not terribly helpful, and really doesn’t do justice to the sense of beauty and strength that comes through in this lovely novel. The characters are much more intricate than is first apparent, and as the book progresses, the complicated dynamics unfold to reveal secrets, shames, and passions.

It’s been many years since I’ve read The Samurai’s Garden, and I should probably read it again. I’ve read and enjoyed other books by this author as well, but The Samurai’s Garden is the one that really stands out in my mind as truly special.

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