A look back: Series reading in 2023

At the start of each new year, I write a post about my intended series reading — which series I want to start, which I want to finish, and maybe even some that I want to devour all in one big reading binge.

Now that we’re at the end of December, it’s time to check back in and see if I actually accomplished any of my series reading goals for 2023.

So how did I do?

In 2023, my priority series to read were:

Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky:

Status: NOPE. For the second year in a row, I listed this series as a priority read, and for the second year in a row, I utterly neglected to even start it. I do still want to read these books! I’ve enjoyed the short fiction I’ve read by this author, and I’ve heard great things about these books. Still, they do seem like a big commitment, and I suppose that’s why I haven’t gotten started. I’ll keep these books on my TBR list… but maybe leave them out of my series planning for 2024.

The Locked Tomb series by Tamsyn Muir:

Status: ONE AND DONE. I read Gideon the Ninth toward the end of 2022, and despite not loving it, I thought I’d want to continue and see where the series went. As it turns out, I was wrong. Every time I thought about picking up the next book, I realized how uninterested I was. At this point, I can safely say that I’m done.

Wayfarers series by Becky Chambers:

Status: DONE! I read the first two books in the series in late 2022, and finished the other two early in 2023. I absolutely loved these books! I just wish there were more. I have a feeling I’ll be going back for a re-read at some point.

The Lady Janies series by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows:

Status: NO PROGRESS… but not giving up. I meant to continue with this series (I read the first book in 2022)… and just didn’t get around to it. I still intend to! Maybe 2024 will be the year to make it happen.

The Boyfriend Project by Farrah Rochon:

Status: DONE! I listened to the audiobook editions of this romance trilogy, and really enjoyed all three books. (Recommended by my daughter, who has excellent taste.)

The Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper:

Status: NOPE. But not for lack of interest. I’d still like to get to this series, and have no particular reason why it hasn’t happened yet. I’ll probably carry this series over for my 2024 list.

Regency Faerie Tales by Olivia Atwater:

Status: DONE. I managed to read all three of these books, although I liked each one a little less than the one before, so stopping after the first book really might have made the most sense. Overall, a fun little fairy tale series, even though my enjoyment didn’t last all the way through.

Maybes: I included two “maybe” series on my list for 2023:

  • The Kitty Norville series by Carrie Vaughn
  • Inspector Gamache series by Louise Penny

Status: NOPE. I didn’t touch either one. Maybe someday…

I read a few other series/trilogies/duologies during the year, some of which will end up included in my Best of 2023 list (when I get around to putting it together…). My absolute favorite series of 2023 (and a top contender for my list of all-time favorites series) is… (drumroll, please)…

The Green Creek series by TJ Klune — absolutely spectacular!

That’s it for my 2023 series reading. How about you?

Did you read any series in 2023? Any particular favorites?

Check back in January, when I’ll set a new batch of series reading goals for the new year.

12 thoughts on “A look back: Series reading in 2023

  1. I love a good series….but it has to be the right one! If I find that one, I usually binge it! The Louise Penny series is good…some better than others of course.

  2. I have been TERRIBLE with reading series the past couple of years, especially this year – I don’t think I read any??? You’ve reminded me that I still need to read My Contrary Mary – I love the Janies and am excited for the Marys.

  3. You just reminded me of all those TBR lists I made a couple years ago of “ten books that have been on my bookcases for years that I want to read this year”. And for the second year in a row, I’ve barely touched them, and read other things instead. 🤦‍♀️. 10 in a year seemed like such an accomplishable goal… Hmmm… maybe not. 😂. I also have a list of series I want to complete, start or reread. … And I think I’ve made very little progress with it at all too. Although I *finally* finished the ebook of Monster Hunters International, so now I can get into my print copies of #2, 3, and whichever # the other one is!
    Oh, and I just started #1 (my third one in the series) of Robjert Adams Horseclans books from the 70’s, and am finding myself quite drawn into it! So I suppose I’m making progress with that series! (Found it in my favourite used book store a while ago).

    … I’m not sure formal reading goals are for me. 😉😂.

    • I’m typically terrible at setting specific reading goals — the only ones I even attempt are around series to tackle, and you can see how (un) successful I am at sticking to those! 🙂 I also make tons of lists, usually for TTT posts, but I take those more as suggestions, not commitments. That’s why I don’t usually bother with reading challenges — there’s just no way I’m going to stick with them!

  4. I love The Dark is Rising series! I reread it every few years, and I’d swear that Silver on the Tree is different every time. The BBC made an audiodrama of The Dark is Rising, and it’s great, but I’d listen to that once you’ve finished the first two books at least.

  5. I’d like to try the Children of Time books too. I attempted the first book once but wasn’t in the mood for it then. And I’d like to try Dark Is Rising books too. I have a feeling I may have read them before but am not sure.

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